Nehemiah Construction Ministries UK
(Registered Charity No: 1129983)
Nehemiah Construction Ministries U.K. is a registered UK charity (1129883) and a faith-based company limited by guarantee, which has been operating since 2009. Our mission is by our drilling operations, to provide clean water into local communities - and so using these opportunities to share the love of Christ. We operate mainly in the Turkana and Pokot region of north west Kenya where the drilling rigs and support vehicles are located – and welcome the opportunities to work alongside and in partnership with similar-minded other organisations.
We can provide a cost-effective alternative to using expensive profit-motivated drilling companies and drill quality boreholes at a lower cost. Drilling operations are managed by unpaid dedicated volunteers. In recent years – projects have been undertaken in an effort to meet some of the above-mentioned needs. Please look at the various projects that the charity has been and is involved with on the Archive Section.
Click the box above to find out what projects we have been involved in. Including some community impact studies.
Here you can find out information about Nehemiah Construction Ministries U.K. from who the trustees are to why we do what we do. Click the link above for more information.